Statens It skal forestå implementering af Fællesstatsligt whistleblowersystem


Regeringen har besluttet, at der skal anskaffes ét fælles it-system til understøttelse af de statslige whistleblowerordninger. Systemet anskaffes fra en leverandør i markedet, der lever op til de nødvendige krav, og skal udrulles til alle departementer og underliggende myndigheder.


Systemet skal understøtte både de statslige whistleblowerordninger og imødegå de krav, der følger af EU’s whistleblowerdirektiv og som implementeres senest 17. december 2021. Systemets præcise arkitektur ift. back-ends, front-ends mv. er ikke endeligt afklaret. Statens It er i gang med at udarbejde en detaljeret beskrivelse af behovene i en kravspecifikation.

Læs mere om ønsket funktionalitet i løsningen i Økonomistyrelsens analyse

Statens It skal forberede og gennemføre anskaffelsen og implementeringen. Når anskaffelsen er gennemført, skal Statens It også drifte og supporte systemet. Anskaffelsen gennemføres via SKI 02.06 – delaftale 1. Hvis det har interesse, kan leverandørerne, der allerede er på aftalen, kontaktes mhp. at afklare muligheden for at agere underleverandør. Leverandørerne på SKI 02.06. er blevet informeret det kommende udbud.

I forlængelse heraf, understreges et vigtigt krav. GDPR nødvendiggør at særlige informationssikkerhedsmæssige standarder skal efterleves, for at kunne kvalificere sig som tilbudsgiver når den formelle proces igangsættes. Det er besluttet, at et minimumskrav er, at systemet skal hostes on-premise hos Statens It og ikke via cloud. Dertil bliver der i tilbudsevalueringen lagt vægt leverandørens modenhed og erfaringer med at hoste on-premise.

Tidsplanen for igangsættelsen af anskaffelsen er ikke endelig afklaret, men forventes ultimo januar 2021. Leverandørerne på SKI 02.06 orienteres mindst 2 uger før anskaffelsen igangsættes.



Whistleblower it-system for the Danish central government administration

The Danish government has decided to procure one common whistle-blower it-system for the entire Danish central government administration (including those who already have a system) from one single supplier in the marked who meets the necessary qualifications. Amongst other things, the system must be able to support the whistle-blower arrangements of the Danish central government and meet the requirements of the EU Whistle-blower Directive, which will be implemented no later than 17 December 2021. The exact desired architecture regarding the system setup with back-ends, front-ends and so forth has not yet been determined. We are in the process of preparing a detailed requirement specification for a desired IT-system, which meets the needs of the Danish central government.

Read more about the desired functionality for it-system in the analysis by The Agency for Public Finance and Management (website only available in Danish)

The Agency for Governmental IT Services (“the Agency”) will prepare and execute the procurement. Once the procurement has been finalised the Agency will operate and support the IT-system.

The Agency will use the existing Danish public procurement framework Agreement SKI 02.06 – Sub-agreement 1 (“Delaftale 1”) - to procure the whistleblower IT-system. If interested, it is possible to contact the suppliers already on Agreement SKI 02.06 in order to clarify the possibility of acting as a sub-contractor: (website only available in Danish). The suppliers on the Agreement SKI 02.06 have been informed about the potential procurement of a whistleblower IT-system.

However, please notice a very important key requirement. GDPR necessitates certain information security standards to be met in order to qualify as a potential bidder when the formal procurement process initiates. It has been decided as a minimum requirement that the IT-system has to be operated on-premises in the datacenter of The Agency and not as a Cloud-service. Furthermore, the maturity and experience with hosting on-premises will be taken into account in the evaluation of the bids and the final decision on the winning supplier.

The time schedule for initiation of the procurement process is not yet fully clarified, but is tentatively planned at the end of January 2021. The suppliers on the Agreement SKI 02.06 will be notified at least two weeks in advance of the tender process.